Become a Contributor

At Cape Town Is Awesome we are all about the Awesomeness of Cape Town. Its People, Scenery, Shops, Restaurants, Activities, Events markets – Everything that makes Cape Town Awesome. And because Cape Town is such an Awesome place we know that it would be impossible for us to report on everything that is Awesome – we just do not have enough time.

For that reason, and because we are Awesome people, we are allowing a few other Awesome Capetonians access to our fast-growing audience through guest posts. It is a win-win-win situation. We get more content for our Page, Our Audience get to discover more Awesome Cape Town and you get to show off your superb blogging skills to our audience of over a 113k Cape Town Loving people.

We do have a few rules though:

  • Our Site is Called “Cape Town Is Awesome” not “Politics Today” or any other negative thing. That means we only allow positive content – no “Impeach This” or “the government does that” or “The service was bad” or “Water is running out” or conspiracy theories or any of that. There are plenty of other sites that will publish those stories.
  • You are welcome to write about anything Cape Town related, as long as it focuses on “good”. Experiences, Restaurant Reviews, Markets, Must Do’s, Top Ten Pizza Places, Why you love Cape Town, Top Events coming up etc.
  • You are not employed by Cape Town Is Awesome and you are not allowed to present yourself as a representative of Cape Town Is Awesome.
  • Cape Town Is Awesome is under no obligation to publish your story and it is entirely up to our editors to decide if the post will be accepted or not.
  • When Published on our website a post will be shared with our Facebook Audience at least once but possibly more than once at our discretion.
  • Cape Town Is Awesome runs Adsense and Audience Network Ads on our site so we will be generating a minimal income from all posts.  This income will not be shared with you and goes towards the maintenance and growth of our website and audience.
  • You are required to put information about yourself, including links to your blog, social media and other articles at the end of your article.
  • When we share the article to Facebook, we will tag your Facebook page in the post so our audience can click through to your page should they want to.
  • We can not guarantee reach – some articles get thousands of views and others only 50. That is very much a factor of how interesting your article is to our audience and whether it speaks to them or not.
  • You are not allowed to be compensated by any third party for a review or an article published on Cape Town Is Awesome. If you are in a situation where this is a possibility – make contact with us and we can discuss the options.
  • You may not use the promise of getting something published on Cape Town Is Awesome as a tool to get freebies, special treatment or any other form of compensation without clearing it with us first.
  • Once approved you are allowed to do as many posts as you want but bear in mind that we might not be able to share them all on Facebook as we need to give everyone a chance to be featured.

So How do you go about becoming a contributor?

Just complete the form at the bottom of this page with your details and links to other stuff that you have written and we will review it. If we feel that your content and writing style will appeal to our audience we will set you up as an author on the website and you can start creating content. It is a simple WordPress site and should be easy enough to use but if you are not sure how it works here is a video that shows you how to post your article. Once your article is ready for publication you can drop the editors an email on and we will review and publish the article.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • This is as much about you as it is about us so make sure you do a proper punt for your own blog/social links at the bottom of your article. We want you to gain followers from your contribution.
  • For the best results – write about stuff that our audience will find interesting. 58% of our Audience are women with the largest percentage in the age group 25-44. The posts that do the best are:
    • Posts about places to visit/experience with plenty of pics of beautiful scenery.
    • List Posts – Anything with a list: Top 10 Pizza Restaurants, Top 5 things to do in Fishoek, 3 Best beaches in Cape Town, 7 Restaurants to visit in Muizenberg etc.
    • Old Pictures – Our Audience seems to have an affinity for old pics so any old pics with a bit of a description with it will work.
    • Reviews: Some reviews do well and others not so much.
    • Anything where there different opinions (but in a good fun way) engages the audience better as well. Who makes the best pizza and why? Where is the best place to hike and why? Posts like these will normally spark a slew of comments with other opinions/suggestions and that greatly increases the reach and ultimately the views of the posts
    • Evergreen Content (ie. without an expiration date) can and most probably will be shared a few times over the next year generating much more traffic and eyeballs for your writing.
  • Keep it light and Fun – that normally gets the best engagement.
  • Regardless of what kind of post you do, let your personality shine through in your posts. That is what will make people want to get more of you and drive them to follow your own blog.


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