Fitness Health

7 Top Tips for Getting Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals

January is rife with “New Year, New Me” posts and almost everyone goes into the new year with a list of things they want to

Fitness Health

Running Motivation with Willie Richards

For those of you that have been on this site for some time will remember in October 2017 we followed the journey of Willie Richards,

A man is sitting on a wall

Billie Eilish Just Landed Her First High Fashion Campaign

If you’ve been waiting for an invitation, this calligraphy is it. Commissioned by Facebook, this is a hand-lettered design for a poster. Quote is Facebook


Old Fashioned Recipe For Preventing Allergies And Chemical Sensitivities

For those of us who want to say thank you to our moms, it’s not always easy to put those big feelings in words. Which

Health Recipes

Sweet Potato Chocolate Cake (Gluten Free)

I wanted to bake a “healthy” chocolate cake and in cases like that I usually make a Beetroot chocolate cake. But on this very day I

Modern world

Sony Laptops Are Still Part Of The Sony Family

For those of us who want to say thank you to our moms, it’s not always easy to put those big feelings in words. Which

Health Recipes

No-bake Protein High Energy Balls

I was looking for a recipe for some nutritional snacks for Kosta Nektarios Papageorgiou for his Lion Head hikes. (Check out his page and his mission). I