As I sit here on the white sandy beach, feet wedged in between the sand, listening to the to-and-from of the ocean tide, watching the sunset over Table Mountain, I feel truly content. I think back to the day that Bloubergstrand first stole my heart. I remember everything about that day. Its funny isn’t it, how certain moments remain edged into our memory, always there for us to draw on when we most need it. There are so many things about the magnificent Mother City that makes my heart beat faster, that makes me stop and take note, that puts a big’ol goofy grin on my face, but for me, there’s just something so special about Bloubergstrand. Think back to the day that you fell in-love with this city, and I don’t just mean ‘oh I like it here, it’s really pretty’ type of love, I mean the head-over-heels, I’m-all-in, Cape Town I’m yours forever type of hard core love. We’ll, that’s what this spot is to me. This is the very spot I first fell in love with the Mother City and all her glorious splendour. And here are 5 reasons why Bloubergstrand will always continue to have a big piece of my heart and maybe have a piece of yours too:

  •       You can see the Magnificent Table Mountain: I think by now I’ve made it pretty clear that I love myself some Table Mountain. I mean come on, what’s there not to love? But let me tell you, the view from Bloubergstrand is something truly special. For me, there’s no view quite like it. And that’s a pretty bold statement, I know, this is Cape Town, it’s full of spectacular views. But yes, the view from Bloubergstrand is everything! Oh, and a super special treat is that you can see the world-renowned Robben Island too!

  •       The sky is painted with Kites: Wow! Never in my life have I seen so many Kite surfers all in one place. I think my very first words when stepping onto this magnificent beach was exactly that. And what an incredible sight it is! KITES EVERYWHERE! Suddenly you don’t just have Table Mountain to your left and the turquoise Ocean right in front of you, but you have pops of pink, yellow, purple, green (and for the sake of preventing myself from naming all the colours I can think of, I will stop there) all around you. A breath-taking, one-of-a-kind painting you certainly won’t find anywhere else in the world! I’ll sometimes just find myself sitting there for hours, just watching the millions of kite surfers go by (okay, not millions but you catch my drift) there’s just something so beautiful and soothing about it. Go give it a whirl, maybe you’ll love it as much as I do, who knows!

  •       The beach: Let’s be honest, this is Cape Town, that means there certainly is no shortage of incredible, spacious and beautiful beaches around. Bit Bloubergstrand is different. It might not be the biggest. It might not be the grandest. And it might not be everyone’s first choice. But, maybe that’s exactly why I love it. You can always find a lovely spot to sit and ponder all of life’s questions without too many distractions. Maybe it’s that, or maybe it’s the white sand with a few rocky outcrops, maybe it’s the view, or maybe it’s just everything about this beach that keeps me coming back for more.

  •       Ons Huisie Restaurant: If I tell you I would eat here every single day, I mean I WOULD EAT HERE EVERY SINGLE DAY! This is one of my absolute favourite restaurants in the whole of Cape Town, and I’m pretty sure my pallet and stomach’s too. WOW! Positioned right on the beach, Ons Huisie gives you a true taste of delicious, authentic, home-made food at its VERY best! You better believe that I’ve been to this Mother City gem plenty of times before, maybe even 2 days in a row, and I’ll continue to go back another 100 times more. That’s how good it is! I recommend the Strandlopers Mussel Pot with an extra order (or maybe even 2, YES, home-made bread is my weakness) of Blik Brood (or any of their home-made bread really). That, combined with a lovely glass of wine, and a magnificent view is absolute bliss!

  •       The sunset: You know what they say; there is no sunset quite like a Bloubergstrand sunset. Well, they might not say that, but I certainly do. This is one Mother City sunset you will absolutely never forget! So, yes, on a beautifully late afternoon, just as the sun was setting, I stumbled onto this very beach. I found a quiet spot to sit among the sand dunes, watched the kite surfers go by, and just found myself staring out over the ocean waves and Table Mountain. I sat there for a while, I’m not even sure how long. I was looking for something, anything, and Bloubergstrand gave me EVERYTHING. I fell in love with its unapologetic beauty, its soothing nature and its unique charm. This is the moment I fell in love with Cape Town. And I’ve never dared to look back since!




I'm a 27 year old Cape Town based, aspiring writer. The truth is I love writing and creating, because creating something that didn’t exist before is as close to MAGIC as you’ll ever get. Tobias Wolf once said, a TRUE piece of writing is a dangerous thing, it can CHANGE your life. And this is exactly what happened to me. I fell in love with what writing can do. How it can inspire. How it can empower. How it can change people’s perspectives. How it allows you to escape. Writing is magic. Writing is my WHY! But besides that I also love the ocean, smarties, & wine, I REALLY love wine! Oh, and my cat Oreo is a champ!